Title | Nicotine Formulation Influences the Autonomic and Arrhythmogenic Effects of Electronic Cigarettes. | ||
Author | Kucera, Cory; Ramalingam, Anand; Srivastava, Shweta; Bhatnagar, Aruni; Carll, Alex P | ||
Journal | Nicotine Tob Res | Publication Year/Month | 2023-Nov |
PMID | 38011908 | PMCID | -N/A- |
Affiliation + expend | 1.Department of Physiology, University of Louisville School of Medicine (ULSOM), Louisville, KY, USA. |
INTRODUCTION: Evidence is mounting that electronic cigarette (e-cig) use induces cardiac sympathetic dominance and electrical dysfunction conducive to arrhythmias and dependent upon nicotine. A variety of nicotine types and concentrations are available in e-cigs, but their relative cardiovascular effects remain unclear. Here we examine how different nicotine forms (racemic, free-base, and salt) and concentrations influence e-cig-evoked cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmogenesis and provide a mechanism for nicotine-salt-induced autonomic imbalance. METHODS: ECG-telemetered C57BL/6J mice were exposed to filtered air (FA) or e-cig aerosols from propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin solvents either without nicotine (vehicle) or with increasing nicotine concentrations (1%, 2.5%, and 5%) for three 9-min puff sessions per concentration. Spontaneous ventricular premature beat (VPB) incidence rates, heart rate, and heart rate variability (HRV) were compared between treatments. Subsequently, to test the role of beta1-adrenergic activation in e-cig-induced cardiac effects, mice were pretreated with atenolol and exposed to either FA or 2.5% nicotine salt. RESULTS: During puffing and washout phases, >/= 2.5% racemic nicotine reduced heart rate and increased HRV relative to FA and vehicle controls, indicating parasympathetic dominance. Relative to both controls, 5% nicotine salt elevated heart rate and decreased HRV during washout, suggesting sympathetic dominance, and also increased VPB frequency. Atenolol abolished e-cig-induced elevations in heart rate and declines in HRV during washout, indicating e-cig-evoked sympathetic dominance is mediated by beta1-adrenergic stimulation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that inhalation of e-cig aerosols from nicotine salt-containing e-liquids could increase the cardiovascular risks of vaping by inducing sympathetic dominance and cardiac arrhythmias. IMPLICATIONS: Exposure to e-cig aerosols containing commercially relevant concentrations of nicotine salts may increase nicotine delivery and impair cardiac function by eliciting beta1-adrenoceptor-mediated sympathoexcitation and provoking ventricular arrhythmias. If confirmed in humans, our work suggests that regulatory targeting of nicotine salts through minimum pH standards or limits on acid additives in e-liquids may mitigate the public health risks of vaping.