Title Can home-monitoring of sleep predict depressive episodes in bipolar patients?
Author Migliorini, M; Mariani, S; Bertschy, G; Kosel, M; Bianchi, A M
Journal Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Publication Year/Month 2015-Aug
PMID 26736731 PMCID -N/A-

The aim of this study is the evaluation of the autonomic regulations during depressive stages in bipolar patients in order to test new quantitative and objective measures to detect such events. A sensorized T-shirt was used to record ECG signal and body movements during the night, from which HRV data and sleep macrostructure were estimated and analyzed. 9 out of 20 features extracted resulted to be significant (p<;0.05) in discriminating among depressive and non-depressive states. Such features are representation of HRV dynamics in both linear and non-linear domain and parameters linked to sleep modulations.

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