Title R peak detection in electrocardiogram signal based on an optimal combination of wavelet transform, hilbert transform, and adaptive thresholding.
Author Rabbani, Hossein; Mahjoob, M Parsa; Farahabadi, E; Farahabadi, A
Journal J Med Signals Sens Publication Year/Month 2011-May
PMID 22606663 PMCID PMC3342622
Affiliation 1.Department of Biomedical Engineering, Medical Image and Signal Processing Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most common biological signals which play a significant role in the diagnosis of heart diseases. One of the most important parts of ECG signal processing is interpretation of QRS complex and obtaining its characteristics. R wave is one of the most important sections of this complex, which has an essential role in diagnosis of heart rhythm irregularities and also in determining heart rate variability (HRV). This paper employs Hilbert and wavelet transforms as well as adaptive thresholding method to investigate an optimal combination of these signal processing techniques for the detection of R peak. In the experimental sections of this paper, the proposed algorithms are evaluated using both ECG signals from MIT-BIH database and synthetic data simulated in MATLAB environment with different arrhythmias, artifacts, and noise levels. Finally, by using wavelet and Hilbert transforms as well as by employing adaptive thresholding technique, an optimal combinational method for R peak detection namely WHAT is obtained that outperforms other techniques quantitatively and qualitatively.

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