Title Clinical severity and molecular typing of human rhinovirus C strains during a fall outbreak affecting hospitalized patients.
Author Piralla, A; Rovida, F; Campanini, G; Rognoni, V; Marchi, A; Locatelli, F; Gerna, G
Journal J Clin Virol Publication Year/Month 2009-Aug
PMID 19473873 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Servizio di Virologia, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, 27100 Pavia, Italy.

BACKGROUND: The circulation rate and the clinical severity of infections caused by members of the new human rhinovirus C (HRV-C) species remain to be defined. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the epidemiologic and clinical impact of HRV-C strains in a fall outbreak interesting hospitalized patients. STUDY DESIGN: HRV species (A-C) were determined by phylogenetic analysis following amplification of two genome regions (5\'NCR and VP4/VP2) by RT-PCR. HRV species were correlated with age, respiratory tract involvement, clinical symptoms, and HRV load in respiratory secretions. RESULTS: During the first week of the period October-November 2008, single HRV infections were associated with 95% of all respiratory syndromes affecting hospitalized patients. Then, HRV infections (single+coinfections) interested about 90% of positive samples until the end of October, when they declined in frequency until reaching about 30% at the end of November. Overall, 104 HRV strains were detected and, of these, 90 could be classified by phylogenetic analysis, as follows: 45 HRV-A, 12 HRV-B, 28 HRV-C, and 5 human enterovirus D strains. HRV-C identity was confirmed by detection of cis-acting replication elements (cre) in 23/23 strains. As for severity of respiratory syndromes, unlike HRV-A and HRV-B strains, HRV-C strains were responsible for a significantly higher rate (p<0.05) of lower respiratory tract infections in the pediatric as compared to adult patient population. CONCLUSIONS: HRV-C strains have been shown to circulate at a rate intermediate between HRV-A and HRV-B strains, showing a greater degree of clinical severity in the pediatric population.

StrainID RV Species Serotype Length(nt) Country Year Strain Name
UNS02295 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV59
UNS02296 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV103
UNS02297 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV15
UNS02298 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV94
UNS02299 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV90
UNS02300 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV5
UNS02301 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV1
UNS02302 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV7
UNS02303 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV28
UNS02304 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV19
UNS02305 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV10
UNS02306 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV4
UNS02307 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV40
UNS02308 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV45
UNS02309 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV60
UNS02310 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV13
UNS02311 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV33
UNS02312 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV44
UNS02313 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV89
UNS02314 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV16
UNS02315 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV68
UNS02316 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV54
UNS02317 Unclassified None 387 Italy 2008 PV49
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