Title Performance study of the wearable one-lead wireless electrocardiographic monitoring system.
Author Hong, Sungyoup; Yang, Yougmo; Kim, Seunghwan; Shin, Seungcheol; Lee, Inbum; Jang, Yongwon; Kim, Kiseong; Yi, Hwayeon
Journal Telemed J E Health Publication Year/Month 2009-Mar
PMID 19292626 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Department of Emergency Medicine, Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

This study attempts to compare and assess the performance of a wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) using a sensing fabric electrode and a Bluetooth network with a conventional ECG. A one-lead ECG examination was performed using Bioshirt and an iWorx 214 while walking or running at 3, 6, and 9 km per hour. A correlation coefficient of a heart rate variability (HRV) between these two devices was higher than 0.96 and power spectral density of HRV measured also showed an excellent agreement. Thus, both of these two ECG devices showed similar detection capability for R peaks. The measured values for wave duration and intervals of both devices concur with each other. The intensity of noise is controversial. The ECG device using a sensing fabric electrode and a wireless network showed an ECG signal detection and transmission capability similar to that of a conventional ECG device.

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