Title Physiological, psychological and autonomic responses to pre-operative instructions for patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Author Liou, Huey-Ling; Chao, Yann-Fen C; Kuo, Terry B J; Chen, Hsing I
Journal Chin J Physiol Publication Year/Month 2008-Oct
PMID 19175188 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Institute of Medical Sciences, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China.

Several studies have reported that the experience may induce emotional reactions before and after surgery. Various Studies have demonstrated that effective pre-operative information reduces stress and anxiety levels. However, little is known about the effect of pre-operative instruction on autonomic responses as measured by heart rate variability (HRV) before cardiac surgery. Ninety-one patients were randomly assigned to video-tape viewing and teaching booklet group. Electrocardiogram was monitored before and after pre-operative instruction. HRV was analyzed with spectral analysis of frequency domains of heart rate and categorized into low and high frequency (LF and HF). After pre-operative instruction, subjects completed a score of perceived stress and helpfulness. In this study, we found that pre-operative instruction with video-tape was similarly effective as teaching booklets on patients\' perceived stress, perceived helpfulness and recovery outcomes. The decrease in HF% and increase in LF/HF ratio of HRV indicate a change in sympathovagal balance toward a lower parasympathetic activity after pre-operative instruction in subjects of both groups. However, the perceived helpfulness of pre-operative instruction may often be associated with a relatively less sympathetic activity. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal timing to enhance the positive effects on the sympathovagal balance after pre-operative instruction.

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