Title Traditional and nonlinear heart rate variability are each independently associated with mortality after myocardial infarction.
Author Stein, Phyllis K; Domitrovich, Peter P; Huikuri, Heikki V; Kleiger, Robert E
Journal J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol Publication Year/Month 2005-Jan
PMID 15673380 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63108, USA. pstein@im.wustl.edu.

INTRODUCTION: Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) and abnormal nonlinear HRV shortly after myocardial infarction (MI) are risk factors for mortality. Traditional HRV predicts mortality in patients with a range of times post-MI, but the association of nonlinear HRV and outcome in this population is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: HRV was determined from 740 tapes recorded before antiarrhythmic therapy in Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial patients with ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) suppressed on the first randomized treatment. Patients were 70 +/- 121 days post-MI. Follow up was 362 +/- 241 days (70 deaths). The association between traditional time and frequency-domain HRV and mortality and nonlinear HRV and mortality were compared for the entire population (ALL), those without coronary artery bypass graft post-MI (no CABG), and those without CABG or diabetes (no CABG, no DIAB) using univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Strength of association was compared by P values and Wald Chi-square values. Nonlinear HRV included short-term fractal scaling exponent, power law slope, and SD12 (Poincare dimension). For ALL and for no CABG, increased daytime SD12 had the strongest association with mortality (P=0.002 ALL and P <0.001 no CABG). For no CABG, no DIAB increased 24-hour SD12 hours had the strongest association (P <0.001) with mortality. Upon multivariate analysis, increased SD12, decreased ln ULF (ultra low frequency), and history of prior MI and history of congestive heart failure each remained in the model. CONCLUSION: Nonlinear HRV is associated with mortality post-MI. However, as with traditional HRV, this is diluted by CABG surgery post-MI and by diabetes. Results suggest that decreased long-term HRV and increased randomness of heart rate are each independent risk factors for mortality post-MI.

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