Title Hydrodynamics of shunt valves.
Author Portnoy, H D; Tripp, L; Croissant, P D
Journal Childs Brain Publication Year/Month 1976
PMID 991667 PMCID -N/A-

A study of differential pressure valves (DPV) used in the treatment of hydrocephalus was undertaken to determine their pressure-flow characteristics and compatability with the antisiphon valve (ASV). DPV could be classified into two groups: low resistance valves (LRV) and high resistance valves (HRV). The LRV maintains intraventricular pressure (IVP) near the closing pressure (CP) of the valve by permitting a high flow whenever CP is exceeded. The HRV regulates IVP by attempting to match inflow with some point on the pressure-flow curve of the valve. These characteristics were lost unless valve outlet pressure was maintained at atmospheric pressure. This could be accomplished by using a proximal DPV with an ASV at the DPV outlet, thus converting the DPV into a gauge pressure valve and preventing the \'siphon effect\' seen with the use of a DPV alone.

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