Title | Evolutionary analysis of the picornavirus family. | ||
Author | Rodrigo, M J; Dopazo, J | ||
Journal | J Mol Evol | Publication Year/Month | 1995-Apr |
PMID | 7769613 | PMCID | -N/A- |
Affiliation | 1.Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas, CSIC-UPV, Valencia, Spain. |
An exhaustive evolutionary analysis of the picornavirus family has been carried out using the amino acid sequences of several proteins of the viruses including: the capsid proteins (1D, 1B, and 1C) situated at the 5\' end of the genome and responsible for the serotype of the viruses, and the viral polymerase (3D), located at the 3\' end of the genome. The evolutionary relationships found among the viruses studied support the new classification, recently suggested, in contrast to the classical one, and the existence of a new genus for the picornavirus family. In the new taxonomic organization, five genera form the picornavirus family: (1) aphthoviruses, (2) cardioviruses, (3) hepatoviruses (previously classified as enteroviruses), (4) renteroviruses (which mainly constitute a combination of the previous genera rhinovirus and enterovirus), and (5) a new genus, with a new and unique representative: the echovirus 22. Our analysis also allowed us, for the first time, to propose the most probable sequence of speciation events to have given rise to the current picornavirus family. The bootstrap procedure was used to check the reliability of the phylogenetic trees obtained. The application of the method of the statistical geometry in distance space to internal branches of the tree revealed a high degree of evolutionary "noise," which makes the resolution of some internal branching points difficult.