No interferon is made by L cells when they are infected with MM virus. However, several thousand units of interferon are produced when interferon-treated L cells are infected with MM virus. We call the conversion of cells, from nonproducers to producers, priming. The time required for cells to become fully primed is dependent on the interferon concentration with which they are incubated. Primed cells produced interferon earlier than normal cells stimulated by other inducers. Cells which were exposed to interferon in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis became fully primed yet developed no virus resistance. Also, primed cells produced interferon in response to low concentrations of polyriboinosinic acid . polyribocytidylic acid that did not induce interferon in normal cells. Therefore, priming appears to be a function of interferon separable from its antiviral activity. Several other picornaviruses that failed to induce interferon in L cells, human embryonic lung cells, or monkey kidney cells did induce interferon when these cells had been primed by homologous interferons.