Title Randomized controlled trial of effects of a familiarization video and patient-controlled Entonox inhalation on patient stress levels and clinical efficacy of flexible sigmoidoscopy without analgesia or sedation for investigation of fresh rectal bleeding.
Author Bagshaw, Philip; Cameron, Christopher; Aramowicz, Jaana; Frampton, Christopher; Pretty, Christopher
Journal J Gastroenterol Hepatol Publication Year/Month 2023-Dec
PMID 38054398 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation + expend 1.Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust, Christchurch, New Zealand.

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) without analgesia or sedation can be unpleasant for patients, resulting in unsatisfactory examinations. Prior familiarization videos (FVs) and intra-procedural Entonox inhalation have shown inconsistent effects. This study investigated their effects on undesirable participant factors (anxiety, stress, discomfort, pain, satisfaction, later unpleasant recall of procedure, and vasovagal reactions) and clinical effectiveness (extent of bowel seen, lesions detected, and procedural/recovery times). METHODS: This cluster-randomized single-center study evaluated 138 participants undergoing FS. There were 46 controls, 49 given access to FV, and 43 access to both FV and self-administered Entonox. Participant factors were measured by self-administered questionnaires, independent nurse assessments, and heart rate variability (HRV) metrics. RESULTS: Questionnaires showed that the FV group was slightly more tense and upset before FS, but knowledge of Entonox availability reduced anxiety. Nonlinear HRV metrics confirmed reduced intra-procedural stress response in the FV/Entonox group compared with controls and FV alone (P < 0.05). Entonox availability allowed more bowel to be examined (P < 0.001) but increased procedure time (P < 0.05), while FV alone had no effect. FV/Entonox participants reported 1 month after FS less discomfort during the procedure. Other comparisons showed no significant differences between treatment groups, although one HRV metric showed some potential to predict vasovagal reactions. CONCLUSIONS: Entonox availability significantly improved clinical effectiveness and caused a slight reduction in undesirable participant factors. The FV alone did not reduce undesirable participant factors or improve clinical effectiveness. Nonlinear HRV metrics recorded effects in agreement with stress reduction and may be useful for prediction of vasovagal events in future studies.

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