Title Examining heart rate variability as an indicator of top-down inhibitory control over emotions and eating behaviors among individuals with and without binge eating.
Author Bottera, Angeline R; Mancuso, Christopher J; Kambanis, P Evelyna; De Young, Kyle P
Journal Appetite Publication Year/Month 2021-Apr
PMID 33340606 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation + expend 1.Department of Psychology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA. Electronic address: aboterra@uwyo.edu.

OBJECTIVE: Guilt increases prior to objective binge-eating episodes (OBE) and decreases following OBE, suggesting that OBE may function to regulate negative affective states. Rapid eating, a common feature of OBE, may be an observable indication of difficulty regulating eating. Heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of parasympathetic activity, is an indicator of top-down inhibitory control and indicates emotion regulation attempts. We aimed to test the effect of guilt on consumption rate and change in HRV among individuals with (+) and without (-) OBE. METHOD: Participants (N = 86) underwent a mood induction (randomized to either a neutral mood or a guilt condition) and were then provided with 32 ounces (0.95 L) of Boost(R) meal replacement shake (960 kcal) and instructed to consume until they felt satisfied. Guilt was measured at baseline, prior to consumption, and following consumption. HRV was measured throughout. RESULTS: Participants in the guilt condition reported higher guilt prior to consumption than individuals in the neutral mood condition, primarily driven by individuals with low HRV. Guilt decreased following consumption among individuals with low HRV in the guilt condition. The OBE+ individuals did not consume more or at an overall faster rate than OBE- individuals. Guilt prior to consumption did not lead to faster initial rates among OBE+ individuals; although, OBE+ individuals who experienced an increase in HRV from prior to during consumption demonstrated faster initial rates and greater changes in rate over time. DISCUSSION: When experiencing negative emotions, individuals with OBE may experience increases in parasympathetic functioning while eating, reinforcing OBE as a facilitator of emotion regulation.

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