Title The short-term effects of artificially-impaired binocular vision on driving performance.
Author Molina, Ruben; Redondo, Beatriz; Di Stasi, Leandro Luigi; Anera, Rosario G; Vera, Jesus; Jimenez, Raimundo
Journal Ergonomics Publication Year/Month 2021-Feb
PMID 32841064 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation + expend 1.Department of Optics, Faculty of Science, Campus de Fuentenueva, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Appropriate visual function is paramount to ensuring adequate driving performance and road safety. Here, we examined the influence of sudden artificially-impaired binocular vision on driving performance using a car simulator. Twenty-four young drivers (mean age 22.42 +/- 3.19 years) drove under three different visual conditions (natural driving, monocular blur, and monocular occlusion) through three different traffic environments with low, medium, and high levels of complexity (highway, rural, and city, respectively). We assessed their driving performance, perceived level of task complexity, and subjectively-experienced road safety. Furthermore, as a manipulation check, we also evaluated the drivers\' cardiac vagal responses, as a well-known index of task complexity. The sudden deterioration of binocular vision caused unsafe driving behaviours (distance out of the road and maximum breaking intensity) in the most complex traffic environments. Specific self-regulatory strategies (i.e. increased cardiac vagal responses) and subjective responses corroborated these results. Practitioner summary: This study provides evidence that the sudden deterioration of binocular vision has a detrimental effect on simulated driving performance. Our analysis of cardiovascular functioning shows that drivers adopt self-regulatory strategies when their binocular vision functioning is compromised. Abbreviations: VA: visual acuity; BV: binocular vision; HRV: heart rate variability; NASA: TLX: NASA-Task Load Index; SSS: Stanford Sleepiness scale; RMSSD: root mean square of successive difference; HF: high-frequency.

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