Title Catching Common Cold Virus with a Net: Pyridostatin Forms Filaments in Tris Buffer That Trap Viruses-A Novel Antiviral Strategy?
Author Real-Hohn, Antonio; Zhu, Rong; Ganjian, Haleh; Ibrahim, Nahla; Hinterdorfer, Peter; Kowalski, Heinrich; Blaas, Dieter
Journal Viruses Publication Year/Month 2020-Jul
PMID 32635420 PMCID PMC7412420
Affiliation + expend 1.Vienna Biocentre, Max Perutz Laboratories, Medical University of Vienna, Center of Med. Biochemistry, Dr. Bohr Gasse 9/3, A-1030 Vienna, Austria.

The neutrophil extracellular trap (ET) is a eukaryotic host defense machinery that operates by capturing and concentrating pathogens in a filamentous network manufactured by neutrophils and made of DNA, histones, and many other components. Respiratory virus-induced ETs are involved in tissue damage and impairment of the alveolar-capillary barrier, but they also aid in fending off infection. We found that the small organic compound pyridostatin (PDS) forms somewhat similar fibrillary structures in Tris buffer in a concentration-dependent manner. Common cold viruses promote this process and become entrapped in the network, decreasing their infectivity by about 70% in tissue culture. We propose studying this novel mechanism of virus inhibition for its utility in preventing viral infection.

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