Title Effects of high-intensity intervals and moderate-intensity exercise on baroreceptor sensitivity and heart rate variability during recovery.
Author Burma, Joel S; Copeland, Paige V; Macaulay, Alannah; Khatra, Omeet; Smirl, Jonathan D
Journal Appl Physiol Nutr Metab Publication Year/Month 2020-Oct
PMID 32343909 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation + expend 1.Concussion Research Laboratory, Faculty of Health and Exercise Science, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada.

Numerous studies have examined heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) variables during recovery both acutely (under 3 h) and long-term (24, 48, and 72 h) postexercise. However, there is little literature examining HRV and BRS measures between these timepoints. Spontaneous short-term HRV and cardiac BRS measures were collected in 9 participants before and at zero, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after 3 separate conditions: moderate-intensity continuous exercise (MICE; 45 min at 50% heart rate reserve), high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE; 25 min including ten 1-min intervals at 85% heart rate reserve), and control (30 min quiet rest). HRV measures in the time domain were only affected immediately following HIIE and MICE at hour zero (all p < 0.043), whereas frequency-domain metrics were unaltered (all p > 0.102). These measures were highly consistent across the control day (all p > 0.420). Cardiac BRS was assessed via low-frequency (LF) gain, and revealed reductions following HIIE at hour zero (p < 0.012). Cardiac BRS LF gain remained consistent following MICE and control interventions (all p > 0.280). The common practice of waiting 12 to 24 h is overly conservative as the current findings demonstrate measures return to baseline at approximately 60 min after exercise. Moreover, these metrics demonstrated high levels of within- and between-day reliability. Novelty Previously a 12-h minimum restriction from exercise was required before participation in HRV/BRS studies. Recovery from moderate-intensity exercise for HRV and BRS metrics was <60 min; whereas, high-intensity intervals led to alterations for approximately 60 min. Spontaneous HRV and cardiac BRS demonstrated high levels of within-day reproducibility.

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