Title Epidemiological characteristics and clinical outcomes of human rhinovirus infections in a hospitalized population. Severity is independently linked to RSV coinfection and comorbidities.
Author Comte, Anthony; Bour, Jean-Baptiste; Darniot, Magali; Pitoiset, Cecile; Aho-Glele, Ludwig Serge; Manoha, Catherine
Journal J Clin Virol Publication Year/Month 2020-Apr
PMID 32135487 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation + expend 1.Virology Laboratory, University Hospital, Dijon, France.

Human rhinovirus (hRV) is a predominant respiratory viral pathogen. The determinants that lead to adverse clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients are unclear. Our objective was to analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of hRV infections in a hospitalized population and to compare non-severe and severe infections. The study was based on data from all patients with a respiratory episode admitted to Hospital from October 2015 to September 2016. During the study period, out of 2465 respiratory episodes, 434 were detected positive for hRV. Most of the coinfections involved the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and very few influenza viruses. A possible interference between rhinovirus and influenza virus is suggested. Airway involvement was present in a large part of hRV infections with 28.4 % (n=48/169) of bronchiolitis and 3.6 % (n=6/169) of bronchitis. One third of patients had at least one of the following severity criteria: need for oxygen therapy, hospitalization >/= 5 days, and admission to the ICU. On multivariate analysis, a respiratory co-infection with RSV and the presence of a chronic respiratory disease (including a history of asthma) were shown to be independent risk factors for the onset of a severe infection in patients </= 2 years old. In a case control study based on 70 patients, hRV-A was the predominant lineage, followed closely by hRV-C. High viral load or viral genotypes were not associated with severe infection.

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