Title A collaborative report: rhinoviruses--extension of the numbering system from 89 to 100.
Author Hamparian, V V; Colonno, R J; Cooney, M K; Dick, E C; Gwaltney, J M Jr; Hughes, J H; Jordan, W S Jr; Kapikian, A Z; Mogabgab, W J; Monto, A
Journal Virology Publication Year/Month 1987-Jul
PMID 3037780 PMCID -N/A-

To define the number of rhinovirus serotypes, cross neutralization tests and characterization studies were completed on 25 candidate prototype rhinoviruses submitted to a third phase of a collaborative program. Based on the results, 11 distinct prototype strains were designated and the numbering system was extended to include 100 rhinoviruses. In addition, recent evidence indicates that over 90% of rhinoviruses isolated in three areas of the country could be typed with antisera for rhinovirus types 1-89.

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