Title An ELISA for the detection of rhinovirus specific antibody in serum and nasal secretion.
Author Barclay, W S; Al-Nakib, W
Journal J Virol Methods Publication Year/Month 1987-Jan
PMID 3027117 PMCID PMC7119497

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) which detects rhinovirus specific antibody in human sera and nasal secretions, has been developed. This sandwich ELISA utilizes a rabbit antirhinovirus hyperimmune serum as the capture antibody and was found to be very sensitive, detecting rhinovirus specific antibody in the serum at dilutions of 1:10(6) and 1:10(3.5) for IgG and IgA immunoglobulins, respectively. Thus, this new assay is 10(2)-10(4) times more sensitive than our standard neutralization test. Furthermore, this increase in sensitivity has enabled us to reliably detect rhinovirus specific immunoglobulins in unconcentrated nasal washings, which are thought to be particularly important for protection against rhinovirus reinfection. A preliminary study of the immune response in human volunteers challenged with rhinovirus using this new ELISA system is presented and further applications and potential of the method are also discussed.

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