Title Molecular cloning and complete sequence determination of RNA genome of human rhinovirus type 14.
Author Callahan, P L; Mizutani, S; Colonno, R J
Journal Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Publication Year/Month 1985-Feb
PMID 2983312 PMCID PMC397120

The genomic RNA of human rhinovirus type 14 was cloned in Escherichia coli and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined. The RNA genome is 7212 nucleotides long. A single large open reading frame of 6536 nucleotides was identified, which starts at nucleotide 678 and ends 47 nucleotides from the 3\' end of the RNA genome. Comparisons of the specified proteins with those of other picornaviruses showed a striking homology (44-65%) between rhinovirus and poliovirus. The rhinovirus genomic RNA is rich in adenosine (32.1%) and strongly favors an adenosine or uridine in the third position of codons. The predicted map locations of all the rhinovirus structural and non-structural proteins and their proposed proteolytic cleavage sites are described.

StrainID RV Species Serotype Length(nt) Country Year Strain Name
BNC01394 B 14 7212 None None
BNZ00101 B 14 7212 None None
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