Title A synthetic peptide which elicits neutralizing antibody against human rhinovirus type 2.
Author Francis, M J; Hastings, G Z; Sangar, D V; Clark, R P; Syred, A; Clarke, B E; Rowlands, D J; Brown, F
Journal J Gen Virol Publication Year/Month 1987-Oct
PMID 2822846 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Wellcome Biotechnology Limited, Woking, Surrey, U.K.

Synthetic peptides corresponding to six predicted immunogenic sites on human rhinovirus type 2 (HRV2) have been tested for their reactivity with an anti-virion antibody and for their ability to elicit neutralizing antibody. Four of the peptides reacted with HRV2 antiserum in an indirect ELISA. Rabbit antisera produced to three of these four peptides, one each from VP1, VP2 and VP3, reacted with the virus in an indirect ELISA and with the corresponding proteins by Western blotting. Furthermore, antiserum to one of the peptides, designed to cover the neutralization epitope NIm-II on VP2, not only reacted well in a sandwich ELISA and in an immunoprecipitation test but also neutralized virus infectivity.

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