Title Detection of the first G6P[14] human rotavirus strain in an infant with diarrhoea in Ghana.
Author Damanka, Susan; Lartey, Belinda; Agbemabiese, Chantal; Dennis, Francis E; Adiku, Theophilus; Nyarko, Kofi; Ofori, Michael; Armah, George E
Journal Virol J Publication Year/Month 2016-Nov
PMID 27832798 PMCID PMC5103419
Affiliation + expend 1.Department of Electron Microscopy and Histopathology, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. sdamanka@noguchi.ug.edu.gh.

BACKGROUND: Rotaviruses with G6P[14] specificity are mostly isolated in cattle and have been established as a rare cause of gastroenteritis in humans. This study reports the first detection of G6P[14] rotavirus strain in Ghana from the stool of an infant during a hospital-based rotavirus surveillance study in 2010. METHODS: Viral RNA was extracted and rotavirus VP7 and VP4 genes amplified by one step RT-PCR using gene-specific primers. The DNA was purified, sequenced and genotypes determined using BLAST and RotaC v2.0. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using maximum likelihood method in MEGA v6.06 software and statistically supported by bootstrapping with 1000 replicates. Phylogenetic distances were calculated using the Kimura-2 parameter model. RESULTS: The study strain, GHA-M0084/2010 was characterised as G6P[14]. The VP7 gene of the Ghanaian strain clustered in G6 lineage-III together with artiodactyl and human rotavirus (HRV) strains. It exhibited the highest nucleotide (88.1 %) and amino acid (86.9 %) sequence identity with Belgian HRV strain, B10925. The VP8* fragment of the VP4 gene was closely related to HRV strains detected in France, Italy, Spain and Belgium. It exhibited the strongest nucleotide sequence identity (87.9 %) with HRV strains, PA169 and PR/1300 (Italy) and the strongest amino acid sequence identity (89.3 %) with HRV strain R2775/FRA/07 (France). CONCLUSION: The study reports the first detection of G6P[14] HRV strain in an infant in Ghana. The detection of G6P[14], an unusual strain pre-vaccine introduction in Ghana, suggests a potential compromise of vaccine effectiveness and indicates the necessity for continuous surveillance in the post vaccine era.

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