Title An approach to predict Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) using time domain and bispectrum features from HRV signal.
Author Houshyarifar, Vahid; Chehel Amirani, Mehdi
Journal Biomed Mater Eng Publication Year/Month 2016-Aug
PMID 27567781 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

In this paper we present a method to predict Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) with higher order spectral (HOS) and linear (Time) features extracted from heart rate variability (HRV) signal. Predicting the occurrence of SCA is important in order to avoid the probability of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). This work is a challenge to predict five minutes before SCA onset. The method consists of four steps: pre-processing, feature extraction, feature reduction, and classification. In the first step, the QRS complexes are detected from the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal and then the HRV signal is extracted. In second step, bispectrum features of HRV signal and time-domain features are obtained. Six features are extracted from bispectrum and two features from time-domain. In the next step, these features are reduced to one feature by the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) technique. Finally, KNN and support vector machine-based classifiers are used to classify the HRV signals. We used two database named, MIT/BIH Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) Database and Physiobank Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR). In this work we achieved prediction of SCD occurrence for six minutes before the SCA with the accuracy over 91%.

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    National Institute of Pathogen Biology, CAMS & PUMC, Bejing, China
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