Title The time course of the humoral immune response to rhinovirus infection.
Author Barclay, W S; al-Nakib, W; Higgins, P G; Tyrrell, D A
Journal Epidemiol Infect Publication Year/Month 1989-Dec
PMID 2558033 PMCID PMC2249538
Affiliation 1.MRC Common Cold Unit, Harvard Hospital, Salisbury, Wilts.

The specific humoral immune response of 17 volunteers to infection with human rhinovirus type 2 (HRV-2) has been measured both by neutralization and by ELISA. Six volunteers who had HRV-2-specific antibodies in either serum or nasal secretions before HRV-2 inoculation were resistant to infection and illness. Of the remaining 11 volunteers who had little pre-existing HRV-2-specific antibody, one was immune but 10 became infected and displayed increases in HRV-2-specific antibodies. These antibodies first increased 1-2 weeks after infection and reached a maximum at 5 weeks. All six resistant volunteers who had high pre-existing antibody and eight of the volunteers who became infected maintained their HRV-2-specific antibody for at least 1 year. At this time they were protected against reinfection. Two volunteers showed decreases in HRV-2-specific antibodies from either serum or nasal secretions. They became infected but not ill after HRV-2 inoculation 1 year later.

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