Title Molecular epidemiology and genetic diversity of human rhinovirus affecting hospitalized children in Rome.
Author Pierangeli, Alessandra; Ciccozzi, Massimo; Chiavelli, Stefano; Concato, Carlo; Giovanetti, Marta; Cella, Eleonora; Spano, Lucia; Scagnolari, Carolina; Moretti, Corrado; Papoff, Paola; Muraca, Maurizio; Midulla, Fabio; Antonelli, Guido
Journal Med Microbiol Immunol Publication Year/Month 2013-Aug
PMID 23625169 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Istituto Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Laboratory of Virology, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University, V.le Porta Tiburtina, 28, 00185 Rome, Italy. alessandra.pierangeli@uniroma1.it.

Human rhinoviruses (HRV) have been re-classified into three species (A-C), but the recently discovered HRV-C strains are not fully characterized yet. This study aimed to undertake a molecular and epidemiological characterization of HRV strains infecting children hospitalized over one year in two large research hospitals in Rome. Nasal washings from single HRV infections were retrospectively subjected to phylogenetic analysis on two genomic regions: the central part of the 5\'Untranslated Region (5\'UTR) and the Viral Protein (VP) 4 gene with the 5\' portion of the VP2 gene (VP4/2). Forty-five different strains were identified in 73 HRV-positive children: 55 % of the cases were HRV-A, 38 % HRV-C and only 7 % HRV-B. HRV-C cases were less frequent than HRV-A during summer months and more frequent in cases presenting wheezing with respect to HRV-A. Species distribution was similar with respect to patient age, and seasonality differed during summer months with fewer HRV-C than HRV-A cases. On admission, a significantly higher number of HRV-C cases presented with wheezing with respect to HRV-A. The inter- and intra-genotype variability in VP4/2 was higher than in 5\'UTR; in particular, HRV-A patient VP4/2 sequences were highly divergent (8-14 %) at the nucleotide level from those of their reference strains, but VP4 amino acid sequence was highly conserved. In HRV-C isolates, the region preceding the initiator AUG, the amino acids involved in VP4 myristoylation, the VP4-VP2 cleavage site and the cis-acting replication element were highly conserved. Differently, VP4 amino acid conservation was significantly lower in HRV-C than in HRV-A strains, especially in the transiently exposed VP4 N-terminus. This study confirmed the high number of different HRV genotypes infecting hospitalized children over one year and reveals a greater than expected variability in HRV-C VP4 protein, potentially suggestive of differences in replication.

StrainID RV Species Serotype Length(nt) Country Year Strain Name
UNS03616 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 142M@0110RM
UNS03617 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 499M@0310RM
UNS03618 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 530M@0710RM
UNS03619 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 518M@0510RM
UNS03620 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 10M@1010RM
UNS03621 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 21M@1110RM
UNS03622 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 78M@1210RM
UNS03623 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 2N@0510RM
UNS03624 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 184M@0310RM
UNS03625 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 12N@0510RM
UNS03626 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 17N@0410RM
UNS03627 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 64N@1210RM
UNS03628 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 14N@0410RM
UNS03629 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 34N@0710RM
UNS03630 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 40N@0610RM
UNS03631 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 41N@1010RM
UNS03632 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 53N@1110RM
UNS03633 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 42N@1010RM
UNS03634 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 47N@1010RM
UNS03635 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 54N@1110RM
UNS03636 Unclassified None 459 Italy 2010 57N@1110RM
UNS03637 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 48N@1010RM
UNS03638 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 18N@0410RM
UNS03639 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 515M@0410RM
UNS03640 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 533M@0710RM
UNS03641 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 6M@1010RM
UNS03642 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 9M@1010RM
UNS03643 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 74M@1210RM
UNS03644 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 95M@1210RM
UNS03645 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 181M@1210RM
UNS03646 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 25M@1110RM
UNS03647 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 3N@0510RM
UNS03648 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 24N@0110RM
UNS03649 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 39N@0610RM
UNS03650 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 52N@1010RM
UNS03651 Unclassified None 453 Italy 2010 63N@1210RM
UNS03652 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 127M@0110RM
UNS03653 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 129M@0110RM
UNS03654 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 183M@0110RM
UNS03655 Unclassified None 334 Italy 2010 398M@0210RM
UNS03656 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 402M@0210RM
UNS03657 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 476M@0310RM
UNS03658 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 518M@0510RM
UNS03659 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 184M@0310RM
UNS03660 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 530M@0710RM
UNS03661 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 535M@0710RM
UNS03662 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 1M@1010RM
UNS03663 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 10M@1010RM
UNS03664 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 33N@0710RM
UNS03665 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 18M@1010RM
UNS03666 Unclassified None 332 Italy 2010 21M@1110RM
UNS03667 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 26N@0810RM
UNS03668 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 4N@0510RM
UNS03669 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 6N@0510RM
UNS03670 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 54N@1110RM
UNS03671 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 30N@0810RM
UNS03672 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 14N@0410RM
UNS03673 Unclassified None 332 Italy 2010 17N@0410RM
UNS03674 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 41N@1010RM
UNS03675 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 40N@0610RM
UNS03676 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 28N@0810RM
UNS03677 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 34N@0710RM
UNS03678 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 64N@1210RM
UNS03679 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 43N@1010RM
UNS03680 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 32N@0810RM
UNS03681 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 24N@0110RM
UNS03682 Unclassified None 333 Italy 2010 27N@0810RM
UNS03683 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 42N@1010RM
UNS03684 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 47N@1010RM
UNS03685 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 62M@1210RM
UNS03686 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 5N@0510RM
UNS03687 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 48N@1010RM
UNS03688 Unclassified None 327 Italy 2010 5M@1010RM
UNS03689 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 9M@1010RM
UNS03690 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 125M@1209
UNS03691 Unclassified None 330 Italy 2010 290M@0110RM
UNS03692 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 417M@0210RM
UNS03693 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 428M@0310RM
UNS03694 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 515M@0410RM
UNS03695 Unclassified None 333 Italy 2010 533M@0710RM
UNS03696 Unclassified None 333 Italy 2010 7M@1010RM
UNS03697 Unclassified None 331 Italy 2010 6M@1010RM
UNS03698 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 13M@1010RM
UNS03699 Unclassified None 332 Italy 2010 74M@0111
UNS03700 Unclassified None 334 Italy 2010 78M@0111
UNS03701 Unclassified None 333 Italy 2010 95M@0111
UNS03702 Unclassified None 333 Italy 2010 181M@1210RM
UNS03703 Unclassified None 328 Italy 2010 39N@0610RM
UNS03704 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 55N@1110RM
UNS03705 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 38N@0610RM
UNS03706 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 3N@0510RM
UNS03707 Unclassified None 329 Italy 2010 9N@0510RM
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    National Institute of Pathogen Biology, CAMS & PUMC, Bejing, China
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