Title Relationship between plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine level and autonomic dysfunction in diabetic patients.
Author Akyel, Ahmet; Cengel, Atiye; Tavil, Yusuf; Sahinarslan, Asife; Topal, Salih; Yayla, Cagri; Elbeg, Sehri; Boyaci, Bulent; Arslan, Metin
Journal Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars Publication Year/Month 2012-Mar
PMID 22710585 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Department of Cardiology, Medicine Faculty of Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. akyelahmet@gmail.com.

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the relationship between plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels and heart rate variability (HRV) in diabetic patients. STUDY DESIGN: The study included 100 patients (44 men, 56 women) with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The patients were divided into two groups based on the use of oral antidiabetics (n=67; mean age 54.6+/-7.8 years) or insulin (n=33; mean age 51.6+/-8.8 years). Plasma ADMA levels were measured and HRV parameters were calculated from 24-hour Holter EKG recordings. The findings were compared with those of a control group consisting of 42 nondiabetic individuals (mean age 52.8+/-6.2 years). RESULTS: Compared to the control group, plasma ADMA levels were significantly higher (p=0.007) and all HRV parameters were significantly reduced in both diabetic groups. However, ADMA levels and HRV parameters were similar in the two diabetic groups (p>0.05). Correlation analysis showed no significant relationship between plasma ADMA levels and HRV parameters. CONCLUSION: Our findings show that plasma ADMA levels are increased and HRV is reduced in diabetic patients, indicating that these patients have both endothelial dysfunction and autonomic dysfunction, but plasma ADMA levels cannot be used to evaluate autonomic dysfunction.

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