Title Antigenic and genetic analyses of human rotavirus with dual subgroup specificity.
Author Urasawa, T; Taniguchi, K; Kobayashi, N; Wakasugi, F; Oishi, I; Minekawa, Y; Oseto, M; Ahmed, M U; Urasawa, S
Journal J Clin Microbiol Publication Year/Month 1990-Dec
PMID 2177756 PMCID PMC268290
Affiliation 1.Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Sapporo Medical College, Japan.

In our previous study (S. Urasawa, T. Urasawa, K. Taniguchi, F. Wakasugi, N. Kobayashi, S. Chiba, N. Sakurada, S. Morita, O. Morita, M. Tokieda, T. Kawamoto, K. Minekawa, and M. Oseto, J. Infect. Dis. 160:44-51, 1989) of antigenic characterization of about 300 human rotavirus (HRV) isolates collected at different localities in Japan, we found 4 HRV isolates having unique antigenic and genetic constructions. The four strains possessed both subgroup I and subgroup II antigens, serotype 3 antigen, and a long RNA electropherotype. The reactivity pattern of these four HRV isolates with three monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed to an outer capsid protein, VP4, and with one MAb directed to an inner capsid protein, VP2, was clearly different from those of usual subgroup II HRVs having serotype 1, serotype 3, or serotype 4 specificity and a long RNA pattern, whereas their reactivity pattern was similar to that of strain K8 (subgroup II, serotype 1), which possessed unique VP4 and VP2 proteins. RNA-RNA cross-hybridization analysis indicated that while the four isolates were genetically distinct from the two genetic groups of HRV reported previously, i.e., the Wa family (strains KU, S3, and YO) and the DS-1 family (strain S2), they were closely related to strain K8, a strain having unique antigenic and genetic properties (K. Taniguchi, K. Nishikawa, T. Urasawa, S. Urasawa, K. Midthun, A. Z. Kapikian, and M. Gorziglia, J. Virol. 63:4101-4106, 1989).

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