Title Human rhinoviruses in Chinese adults with acute respiratory tract infection.
Author Xiang, Zichun; Gonzalez, Richard; Wang, Zhong; Xiao, Yan; Chen, Lan; Li, Taisheng; Vernet, Guy; Paranhos-Baccala, Glaucia; Jin, Qi; Wang, Jianwei
Journal J Infect Publication Year/Month 2010-Oct
PMID 20638411 PMCID PMC7112692
Affiliation 1.Christophe Merieux Laboratory, IPB, CAMS-Fondation Merieux and State Key Laboratory for Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering, Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 9# Dong Dan San Tiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing, PR China.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the roles of human rhinoviruses (HRVs) in acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) in Chinese adults and determine the association between species of HRV and clinical presentations. METHODS: RT-PCR methods were used to detect HRVs in throat and nasal swabs collected from 6104 adult patients with ARTIs from December 2005 to April 2008 in Beijing, China. RESULTS: HRV strains were detected in 271 ARTIs cases, 65% of which tested positive for HRV-A, 25% for HRV-B, and 10% for HRV-C. Aside from fever, pharyngeal congestion and headache were the most common clinical symptoms observed in the HRVs infected patients. HRV-A infected patients had a higher percentage of upper respiratory symptoms than patients infected by the two other HRV species. Systemic symptoms such as chilliness and myalgia were more frequent in people infected by HRV-B. The three HRV species exhibited unique infection timing when analyzed monthly. CONCLUSION: HRV-C can be detected in adult patients with acute upper respiratory tract infections, but is not the predominant species in this population.

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