Title The simultaneous recording and analysis both EGG and HRV signals.
Author Pietraszek, S; Komorowski, D
Journal Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Publication Year/Month 2009
PMID 19963965 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Electronics, Division of Biomedical Electronics, Gliwice, Poland. stanislaw.pietraszek@polsl.pl.

This paper presents a method for synchronous recording and analyzing both the electrogastrographic signal (EGG) and the heart rate variability signal (HRV). The electrogastrographic examination can be considered as a noninvasive method for an investigation of a stomach slow wave propagation. The four channel signal are non-invasively captured by the appropriately placed electrodes on the surface of the stomach. The EGG and electrocardiographic (ECG) signals, recorded simultaneously by means of the same electrodes and an amplifier, are separated by the proper digital filtration. In our work the EGG and ECG analysis is limited to calculation the most frequently used parameters: the dominant frequency of the EGG (DF), and LF/HF ratio of the HRV power spectrum for the ECG. In this way it is possible to examine mutual interaction among EGG and HRV. This paper also depicts the preliminary results of a comparison of the some EGG and the HRV parameters e.g. dominant power distribution (DPD) and balance of low frequency and high frequency of HRV power spectrum.

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