Title [Objectivity regarding stress: looking the past, evaluating the present...a chance in the future].
Author Zefferino, R
Journal G Ital Med Lav Ergon Publication Year/Month 2009-Jul-Sep
PMID 19943443 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e del Lavoro OORR, Foggia, Italy. r.zefferino@unifg.it.

To objective the stress is extremely arduous, but it\'s very important. Stress is an answer of human to frequent and particularly not lovely events. Cohen said: "the stress is the experience of negative events or the perceptions of distress and negative affect that are associated with the inability to cope with them". We investigated the stress using double approach i)psycho-diagnostic test able to show psychological effects ii) kit test able to measure salivary markers of stress as Cortisol and Interleukin 1 Beta (ILl Beta). The former indicates alterations of neuroendocrine system, the second permits us to determinate variation on cytokines balance particularly between cytokines pro-inflammatory and cytokines anti-inflammatory. This balance is strategic in several disease like cancer, infective, autoimmune and allergic diseases. Our salivary determinations show the cortisol means and the standard deviations are similar, that\'s denotes great variability, about IL1 Beta we observed the same. We retain that salivary markers are very useful if we consider the difference between the antemeridian and post meridian value in the same subject, indeed it correlates with possible diseases. The study of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is used to monitor the Autonomic Nervous System, in our experience the HRV parameters during the work resulted useful as confront, instead the HRV parameters during the holiday resulted surest indexes of work stress. Probably the effect of stress on the heart aren\'t present during the work because the work experience reduces these effects, they appear during the holiday when the imagination could make the conflicts or the problems more complex than they are, that\'s not true using salivary markers.

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