Title Non-contact determination of parasympathetic activation induced by a full stomach using microwave radar.
Author Gotoh, Shinji; Suzuki, Satoshi; Imuta, Hayato; Kagawa, Masayuki; Badarch, Zorig; Matsui, Takemi
Journal Med Biol Eng Comput Publication Year/Month 2009-Sep
PMID 19579041 PMCID -N/A-

In order to evaluate parasympathetic activation which causes driving errors, without placing any burden on the monitored individuals, we conducted a non-contact parasympathetic activation monitoring through the back of a chair using a compact 24-GHz microwave-radar. We measured the high-frequency (HF, 0.15-0.4 Hz) power spectrum of heart rate variability (HRV) which reflects parasympathetic activation, induced by a full stomach. All participants had a large all-you-can-eat meal with beverages for lunch within 20 min. Before and after the large meals for durations of 10 min, the non-contact measurement was conducted for seven healthy male volunteers (mean age: 23 +/- 1-year-old). In both non-contact (microwave radar) and contact (ECG as a reference) measurement, HF shows similar variations before and after large meal. Large meal significantly (p < 0.05) increased non-contact-derived HF from 1,026 +/- 510 to 1,893 +/- 613 ms(2) (922 +/- 628 to 1,861 +/- 940 ms(2), p < 0.05). This technique allows parasympathetic activation monitoring for safety precautions.

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    National Institute of Pathogen Biology, CAMS & PUMC, Bejing, China
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