Title Serotyping of avian infectious bronchitis viruses by the virus-neutralization test.
Author Cowen, B S; Hitchner, S B
Journal Avian Dis Publication Year/Month 1975-Jul-Sep
PMID 169804 PMCID -N/A-

The antigenic relationships of 12 strains of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were evaluated by a virus-neutralization procedure similar to that used in typing human rhinoviruses. Such a procedure consists of reciprocal neutralization tests performed by reacting 32-320 EID50 or plaque-forming units of virus with 20 antibody units of antiserum. Eight serologic groups were identified by chicken embryo assay, and 4 by plaque-reduction (90%). In general, serologic groupings were not distinct but reflected numerous intergroup relationships. The contrasting results exhibited by indicator systems are viewed as differences in the accuracy of the methods employed. It is suggested that before an IBV classification scheme can be proposed, agreement must be reached on the most suitable indicator system, techniques must be standardized, and reference viruses and antisera distributed to several institutions for comparison testing. In addition, cross-protection studies are needed to determine the importance of IBV serotypes and/or variants on vaccine efficacy.

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