Title Possible tick-borne human enterovirus resulting in aseptic meningitis.
Author Freundt, Eric C; Beatty, Douglas C; Stegall-Faulk, Teresa; Wright, Stephen M
Journal J Clin Microbiol Publication Year/Month 2005-Jul
PMID 16000481 PMCID PMC1169181
Affiliation 1.Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, USA.

Enterovirus-specific genetic sequences were isolated from two Amblyomma americanum tick pools. Identical genetic sequences were later obtained from cerebrospinal fluid of a patient with aseptic meningitis and a recent history of tick attachment. These observations suggest the possibility of an emerging tick-borne human enterovirus associated with aseptic meningitis.

StrainID RV Species Serotype Length(nt) Country Year Strain Name
UNS00485 Unclassified None 252 USA 1999 None
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