Title [The effect of enalapril on heart rate variability in patients with arterial hypertension].
Author Kamenskaia, E P
Journal Lik Sprava Publication Year/Month 1999-Oct-Dec
PMID 10672719 PMCID -N/A-

Spectral indices were studied for variability of the heart\'s rhythm (HRV) in patients with arterial hypertension (AH), depending on age, degree of severity of hypertension under exposure to the enalapril maleate therapy. In AH patients, HRV indices suggested high risk of sudden cardial death, especially in those persons presenting with severe AH. Under exposure to enalapril maleate patients with isolated systolic AH, severe and moderately severe AH demonstrated changes in their HRV indices reflecting rise in the activity of the parasympathetic section of the vegetative nervous system, which fact can serve as a positive prognostic index of mortality in AH patients.

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