Title Design, synthesis, and evaluation of azapeptides as substrates and inhibitors for human rhinovirus 3C protease.
Author Venkatraman, S; Kong, J; Nimkar, S; Wang, Q M; Aube, J; Hanzlik, R P
Journal Bioorg Med Chem Lett Publication Year/Month 1999-Feb
PMID 10098667 PMCID -N/A-
Affiliation 1.Department of Medicinal Chemistry, The University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045-2506, USA.

A series of azapeptides was prepared and assessed as inhibitors of the human rhinovirus 3C protease. Boc-VLFaQ-OPh was a slow-turnover substrate that gave transient (ca. 1-2 h) inhibition as it underwent hydrolysis. Boc-VLFaG-OPh gave very slow but essentially irreversible inhibition.

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